Persons with special needs

6-Month Nutrition Care Service Package
We will consult your special needs child, sibling or care recipient, and uncover what is important to him or her.
We will also partner you as the parent or primary caregiver to understand your observations, concerns and hopes for his or her health.
Here are some examples of the conditions we support:
– Picky eating [except Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)]
– Autism
– Chronic digestive issues e.g. constipation, “leaky gut”
– Food reactions
– Mild Intellectual Disability (MID)
– Chromosomal disorders
Our other areas of interests also include:
– Aggression or agitation (gastrointestinal connection)
– Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
– Down Syndrome
Available in-person or online (across time zones around the world).